Bring beautiful musical tones along with a touch of nature to your playground with these wonderful, elegant flowers. These wonderful Flowers add both a sculptural and aesthetic design that invites users young and old to create music in an outdoor environment.
Each flower is a different height, color and size and has 4 different notes of very long sustain on each flower.
Sounding like soft, sweet gongs. These flowers are so sculptural that they will be enjoyed as soon as they are seen as well as enchant your ears with their tones.
These commercial outdoor playground instruments are the perfect complement to a musical sound garden, sensory garden, musical park, your childcare or school play yard, or any outdoor environment.
You may order these to be Surface Mounted (onto pavement), In Ground Mounted (to be cemented in by the installer) or with a Portable Base. Each flower is sold separately, or you can collect all 4 for a nice discounted price.