ECCERS-3: Promoting acceptance of diversity 5.2 "At least 10 easily visible positive examples of diversity, with at least 1 example in each of the following: books, displayed pictures, and accessible play materials." (you can consider puppets and block play accessories. Do not include anything credited in 5.1. books should be recognizable by covers.) Pg. 64 & 65
SACERS: Cultural Awareness 5.1 "Many multicultural materials that reflect the diversity of peoples." (at least 4 easily visible examples including types of diversity other than gender.) Pg. 33
FCCERS-R: Promoting Acceptance of Diversity 5.1 "Many books, pictures, and materials showing people of different races/cultures, ages, abilities, and gender in non-stereotyping roles (Ex. both historical and current images; males and females shown doing many types of work including traditional and non-traditional roles).