Crib and Playroom Accessories

CPSC compliant cribs for daycare centers, childcare centers and hotel use
All of our cribs meet and/or exceed the following new requirements for commercial cribs:
CPSC Standards
All commercial childcare cribs must meet CPSC standard 16 CFR 1219 (full size cribs) or 16 CFR 1220 (compact cribs)
Extra Weight Resistance
CPSC requires 80 lbs placed on the posture board during its durability testing.
ASTM 2710 requires that 180 lbs be placed on the postureboard for the same testing.
Evacuation Crib Threshold Test
ASTM 2710 requires that a crib be loaded with 180 lbs (82 kg) of weight,passed over the same width gap 500 times without the caster rotating and getting lodged into the gap. In addition to rolling freely over the gap, crib components may not become separated. This is 100 lbs greater than the static load test required by CPSC.
More Stringent TestingIn addition to the above requirements, ASTM 2710 requires a crib to withstand impacts and abuses many times greater than what will be encountered in actual usage.
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