Enhance children's social skills and appreciation of similarities and differences as they piece together this colorful floor puzzle of children from around the world. Children’s eyes, hair, nose, skin colors, and facial expressions are only a few observations children will make with this floor puzzle. Children will have fun conversations about differences and similarities with this floor puzzle. 2' x 3'. 36 Pieces. Ages: 3+.
ECCERS-3: Promoting acceptance of diversity 5.2 "At least 10 easily visible positive examples of diversity, with at least 1 example in each of the following: books, displayed pictures, and accessible play materials." (you can consider puppets and block play accessories. Do not include anything credited in 5.1. books should be recognizable by covers.) Pg. 64 & 65
SACERS: Cultural Awareness 5.1 "Many multicultural materials that reflect the diversity of peoples." (at least 4 easily visible examples including types of diversity other than gender.) Pg. 33
FCCERS-R: Promoting Acceptance of Diversity 5.1 "Many books, pictures, and materials showing people of different races/cultures, ages, abilities, and gender in non-stereotyping roles (Ex. both historical and current images; males and females shown doing many types of work including traditional and non-traditional roles).