Create a modern classroom and show your support for cultural diversity with these interactive magnetic blocks give children the ability to create unique family units.
Providing materials for many races, outfits, ages, and genders in same set allows children to create their own impressions of what families look like. This will be comforting for some children as families of differing values and beliefs will be represented.
Aside from being interchangeable, is also multicultural. This product is designed to be representative of families of differing skin color, sexual orientation, marriage status (single and step) and, gender identity.
- BUILD TEACHABLE MOMENTS into your youngsters’ playtime with My Family Builders Magnetic Building Blocks. This interactive set lets children explore various family dynamics by constructing multiracial little people who resemble the community around them.
- THOUSANDS OF COMBINATIONS of mix-and-match magnetic blocks create endless possibilities for 1-of-a-kind characters and myriad family representations. They serve as great conversation starters for talking to your kids about diversity, gender roles, acceptance and empathy. diversity and love.
- ENGAGING CHARACTERS of men, women, boys and girls of all ethnicities, skin colors, facial and clothing styles are represented in this 32-block diversity set. It includes 8 adult and 8 kid heads; 4 big and 4 little bodies; and 4 big and 4 small legs.
- HANDCRAFTED WOODEN BLOCKS with magnetic connectors are hard-wearing and durable for kid-proof play. Intelligently sized to accommodate small hands, My Family Builders Blocks also promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in youngsters.
ITERS-R: Promoting acceptance of diversity 5.2 "Dolls representing at least 3 races accessible (Ex. skin tones or facial features)." (Small dolls used in doll houses or block play do count) Pg. 45
ECCERS-3: Promoting acceptance of diversity 5.2 "At least 10 easily visible positive examples of diversity, with at least 1 example in each of the following: books, displayed pictures, and accessible play materials." (you can consider puppets and block play accessories. Do not include anything credited in 5.1. books should be recognizable by covers.) Pg. 64 & 65
SACCERS: Cultural Awareness 5.1 "Many multicutural materials that reflect the diversity of peoples." (at least 4 easily visible examples including types of diversity other than gender.) Pg. 33
FCCERS-R: Promoting acceptance of diversity 5.2 "At least 4 examples of props representing various races/cultures accessible for use in dramatic play (Ex. Dolls of different races; ethnic clothing; cooking and eating utensils from various cultural groups)." Must show no violence or stereotypes. Pg. 50 & 51
FCCERS-R: Promoting Acceptance of Diversity 5.1 "Many books, pictures, and materials showing people of different races/cultures, ages, abilities, and gender in non-stereotyping roles (Ex. both historical and current images; males and females shown doing many types of work including traditional and non-traditional roles).