Play Structures for Ages 6-23 Months

Strictly for Kids specializes in age and developmentally appropriate infant toddler playground equipment. We offer some of the best quality childcare playground structures, from many of the leading commercial playground equipment suppliers.
Strictly for Kids also manufactures the safest, most progressive infant and toddler playground equipment on the market today. All Strictly for Kids manufactured playgrounds begin with the code letters "SKPG..." We incorporate high sides and closed off stair risers, to prevent falls throughout, great visibility, hand rails and numerous features to help provide balance and development for early learners.
Many features on the Strictly for Kids brand allow a crawler to grasp a rail or feature, pull themselves up to a standing position, learn to balance, then develop to the early stages of walking, while using these play features as cruising rails, to safely toddle from feature to feature.
The extra deep steps on all Strictly for Kids manufactured play structures allow children to navigate the stairs safely, with enclosed sides to prevent falling off. The width of the stairs and ramps, with hand rails on each side, help create a safe traffic flow. When a child is going up, holding onto a handrail, another child exiting will see them, grasp the opposing hand rail, then pass by without collision.
The hood above the slide includes lower rails, preventing headers from running down or being pushed off the slide. The child may grasp the lower rails, allowing them to sit safely prior to exiting down the slide. The inspirational learning features on the Strictly for Kids line of play equipment includes tracking tubes, tracking chutes, tracking rails, sensory tables, ball mazes, steering wheels, bubbles, texture panels, mirrors, a variety of spinner panels and toys, along with many more exhilarating features.
Our proprietary "Challenge Stairs" and "Challenge Bridge" are designed to add an extra level of interest and an exercise element not available on other brands of infant and toddler equipment. Most Strictly for Kids infant toddler playground equipment arrives semi-assembled and goes together in minutes, with the provided hardware, and tools. You are not required to hire a contractor to install the Strictly for Kids brand of playground equipment. The teachers can do this, or use volunteers. There are no pipes or metal collars protruding, all hardware is sleek and non-obtrusive, and every structure is hand crafted in our factory in Tacoma, WA. The craftsmanship is unlike any other daycare playground equipment on the market today. To learn more about our elegant, inspired designs, check out this short video from an episode of the "World's Greatest" T.V. show, which featured our company click here.